First trace the pattern onto the paper side of freezer paper. This pattern is from the "Virtues" quilt that I am working on.
I traced it first in pencil and then went over it in black marker. I also drew in the center lines for easy placement with the fabric. On the back of your block lightly mark the center lines as well.
Put the freezer paper on your ironing board paper side down. Next, using the center lines place the FRONT of your block onto the freezer paper. The back of your block is up facing you. Press the fabric to the freezer paper. Because you used black marker, you can easily trace the design in pencil to the back. No light boxes or tape. One easy step.
You will need a light box of sorts now. I take my acrylic table that I got with a previous machine and add my OTT light. You can use any light that will fit underneath. Works great.
Take the fabric you are going to use and place it on top of the light box. Take the fabric block and place the block on top of the fabric. Using the light box, you can see the design that needs to be basted. I don't know if you can see the pencil marks, but this is the back of my block. Green fabric for the leaves are under it.
Got thread you absolutely hate?? This is your chance to use it. Baste around the pencil lines with that thread. Make sure it's visible enough for the fabric you are using. In my case I've used this terribly ugly yellow thread. It's hard to see where I basted because the back is yellow.
After you have basted around the pencil marks, turn it over and now your piece is basted ready for turning under. Take your scissors and carefully trim the fabric around the yellow basting stitching. As you applique, take out the basting stitches. Where the stitches were made, you can follow them as a guide. It's so simple and easy. It's my favorite method of applique.