I got to puppy sit Daisy/Libby (the English Pointer mix..something) today for an hour or so. My friend said she was chasing her kittens and getting in the way and I offered to take her and her daughter. LOL LOL Talk about fun. Finally wiped her out and she crashed on my couch for 20 minutes or so. My depression just lifted and I've been feeling tons better since then.
I got playing with EQ6 and got my "EQ6 Pieced Drawing" book by Patti R. Anderson and drew out a Giant Dahlia quilt. Fabulous, fabulous book. All of the EQ books are great. Get them. Patti is also one of the best teachers. Take a class from her.
This is one of my final versions. I LOVE indigo blue but the colors are really hard to find. I think this is way too strong in the indigo department but my EQ6 palette isn't the greatest. I don't have indigo in my stash so I'll have to play with what I have. At least I have the block drawn out and can print out templates.
I also think it needs more petals. The design was drawn for a 12x12 inch block. I'd have to play with the circle size and partitions. I wanted something small so I could use my scraps. I'll use a bigger size block. Maybe a 15x15. The templates for this have to be a bear to deal with. I don't have any template plastic and I'm not sure paper ones would hold up. Maybe I should do a cheater one..LOL. Gotta love fusible webbing and maybe add black bias tape over the seams.
It's SO nice to be back in action for quilting. I've been dragging for months. Maybe I'm coming out of my cave. Even if it's just for a short break.