Thursday, September 25, 2008

I Got All 9 Done!

I finally have all 9 blocks done! WooHoo! I have them quilted but now I'm stuck. Do I make them into one big wall hanging or just bind each one and have a sleeve/tabs for hanging individually?

I was going to do the "quilt as you go" method but now I'm not sure I like the idea.

I tried to find the font that was used so I could add a title of sorts on the top. I'd probably have to email the website.

I did play with EQ6 some but since I can't put the designs in the squares, it's hard finding colors that work.

I guess I don't have to do it now. I can still think about it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

House Rules #3

From Blogger Pictures

I got this done today. I have 6 more to go. These are turning out so nice!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I Got Embird!

I bought Embird over the weekend for my embroidery needs. It's like EQ6. Janome's Customizer is overpriced (299) and under featured. However; if you want to use the Giga Hoop, you have to have it. Sewing machine manufacturers really know how to soak every penny out of us.

What I've really needed is a way to line up my design in the hoop so that I can do it 4 times. The Giga hoop is too small to put a 4.5 inch size design in. Customizer just prints out templates not placement. Customizer better utilizes the Giga hoop then Embird so Customizer isn't a waste.

Here's what I've done for doing my quilt block. I'm no expert by any means but it has worked for me. Embird lets you set your design anywhere and gives you X/Y coordinates. I set my design at -.50x1.5 inches so that it fits directly in the corner. The rest of the design is white so you can't see it. The next template I made I used brown.
From Blogger Pictures

I marked the center of the design and the center lines of the hoop. I also marked the edge of the design so I know where to place it on the fabric. That really helped with accuracy big time.

I cut out a 12x12 square of fabric and marked the center lines. I like even numbers..LOL.

1. Using the marked lines of the template I lined them up with the marked lines of the fabric. The marked line at the bottom of the design is used. NOT the hoop center line.

2. I marked the center of the design in all 4 squares. Next I marked the center lines of the template for use of the center marks of the hoop.

3. Using the center lines I hoop the fabric and then move the needle over to the center cross hairs and stitch out the design. I did this with all 4 sides of the fabric. It works! Here it is:

From Blogger Pictures

I made this picture larger so you can see the center of the design marks and then the hoop line marks. It's not completely perfect as I tried out the plastic template that came with my hoop. It's not lined right as I discovered. Just use the marks that come with hoop.

My next set of templates have the white design as dark:

From Blogger Pictures

I haven't darkened the lines yet.

I have also been working on these:

From Blogger Pictures
They are part of a set of 9 blocks that have wonderful sayings about family. I plan to make them into a quilted wall hanging. I put batting underneath the fabric and will add the backing later.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Resizing Designs

I got my jeans done with the embroidered flowers down the side. It looks great and I love them.

I told DH I wanted a serger. I did take a look at one at my Janome dealer but figured I'd wait and see how badly I really needed one. It would just be nice..not a necessity.

I'm still figuring out how to put 4 designs together to make a quilt block.

Here's what I have so far:
From Blogger Pictures

I've had to move the 5x7 hoop around the fabric and have been trying to have the designs meet up perfectly in the center. Umm..for a first try it looks pretty good.

Then my dealer said to resize the design for my Giga Hoop. The size of the block is 4.5 inches square. By the time I reduced the block it was really little. Here it is:
From Blogger Pictures

That's really resized and not what I wanted. I'm back to rehooping with the 5x7 hoop. My last attempt was pathetic with another block. I just need more practice.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Embroidering On Jeans

I got this beautiful set of embroidery designs called "Simply Sublime" from "Reases Realist Designs" from the OregonPatchWorks site and did a pair of jeans with them.

I haven't taken off the water soluble stabilizer yet as I'm still figuring out to finish the jeans. I'm lost on that. I thought of these options:

1. Add extra flowers scattered randomly up the leg.
2. Go around the pockets..but I'd have to cut up part of the inside pocket seam.
3. From the top of the other leg go down with the flowers. However; that means ripping the seam all the way up.
4. Leave it as it is since I'm too tired to deal with it. LOL. I'm not used to having embroidered jeans for myself so I want to keep it adult like and not overload.

Here's a close up of the flowers:

My girls adore the patterns and want me to do their jeans as well. I love sticky back stabilizer as you just lay the jeans on top, add the water soluble stabilizer and go.

Monday, September 01, 2008

I Could Put My Car In This!!!

I got the peacock design done today! Those center parts took over a hour each to stitch out. Here it is:

Wow..I love it! I had no idea that this was a GIANT size tote I know what a tote bag is..LOL. I don't even carry a purse. That's what pockets are for. So the size right now is 12x16 inches. The directions have you add another 4 blocks making it a 16x16 size block. People have THAT much stuff?

Then you are to stitch out the blocks above for the back panel. gets bigger! The smaller sides are 8 inches wide x 16 inches tall. Heck, I could my car in that. Or my sewing machine...Hey..that's an idea! Make it a cover for my 6600!

Dunno..make it a tote bag or a sewing machine cover?

Bag: If I did a purse thingy, I wouldn't add the extra 4 blocks on the top or the 8 inch sides. I'd keep the size I have and made the side pieces a width like 4 inches. I'd also use a dark color for the other sides. I figured I'd make the other sides quilted. It's constructing all the sides that will be the death of me. I have it planned out in my head but it's still an overkill sized purse/bag. Hmmm ...anyone want to make this into a bag for me?

Machine Cover: I have the cover to my 350e that I could use as a template. I'd have to do some adjusting but could get it to work. I'd have the best looking 6600 cover for miles. Then I could find a pattern for a smaller bag and get the "best of both worlds" according to Hannah Montana. LOL! I have little girls..can you tell? Hubby picked up the dvd for them.