My DH has decided that he's had enough of the kids leaving their rooms a mess before school. He'll come from from work in the morning and everything is a wreck. He told the kids that he would go to the school, pull them out, and take them back home to finish the job if he found their rooms a mess.
I got the background lines and circle drawn out for the background of the Dahlia. I took some freezer paper and pressed it to the back of the fabric so I could trace a 16.5 inch square. I drew lines on the diagonal and in the middle for alignments.My daughter left this morning around 6:30 am and didn't make her bed. She goes early to the school gym to lift weights and was gone. DH shows up around 7am and sees that her bed isn't made. Without changing out of his uniform, he heads over to the school to get her and brings her home. She made her bed and went back to school.
When she came home after school, she told me that a teacher had asked if she was okay. When my daughter asked why, the teacher said she saw her being talked to by a police officer and was being walked out of the door with him.
My daughter said the man in the uniform was her dad and it was okay.
I told her she should have said, "That was my dad. I got arrested for not making my bed". She burst out laughing.
I traced out the template on freezer paper, cut out the circle and pressed the outside edges to match the marked lines. Then I traced the inside circle for the applique work.

I've got some of it hand appliqued and it looks okay. I'm still worried about it having ripples and not lying flat when it's done.
I'm quitting for now though. my head hurts from all the marking, basting and pinning.
I love it... I wish I was married to your husband, so he can come arrest my kids when they are home... or maybe I can bring him up to campus to visit my son tomorrow :-).
Very cute (story & quilt).
Love it! (the story and the quilt)
I sure could have used your husband for my children! The oldest is 25 and she STILL has to be reminded to make her bed when she visits.
Why make your bed when you're just gonna get back into it the next night?? :)
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