Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Has Your Day Been?

"Frank, do you think they'll notice?"
"Hey Frank, this is Bob.  Is my truck ready?"
"Frank, I think we no long have jobs now"
"Frank, you don't just LOSE a truck nor do they drive off on their own"
"Frank, not again!  This is the 3rd truck this week"
(this complex usually has old people pushing the accelerator instead of the brakes to go through the store)
"Frank, we do have insurance right?"
"Frank, you said to pull the lever, not push it"
"You idiot, I told you to press the black button, NOT the red one.  Everyone knows not to press the red one"
"Frank, I was only joking about what would happen if the truck rolled away.  I didn't expect it to happen"

What actually happened is that there is a tire place across the street.  The truck rolled out of the lot, across the highway, down the grassy embankment, through the parking lot (totaling a car) and hitting the store.  The car was wrapped around the Subway sign when I drove up.  Thankfully no one was in the car nor were there vehicles going down the highway. 
And yes, this complex truly has old people pushing the accelerator instead of the brakes to hit the store.


Quilter In Paradise said...

how funny! love your tale and I can just see the two old guys talking -
thanks for sharing!
Beth in Dallas