Saturday, May 09, 2009

Horse Help!!

Please help! While quilting the pieces are coming off! I've pressed them several times but the fusible stuff has already been used. I hate this brand and I can't even remember what it is! It's not steam a seam I know that. I just want to cry! Especially as the horse will have parts of the background showing through! Can I just use a glue stick or Roxanne's? I just worry about the glue showing through.

From Quilted with Love

From Quilted with Love


Quilt Rat said...

Sure you can use a glue stick, just use it sparingly and mostly right near the edges. You could also cut small bits of fusible web (one without paper)and just sandwich bits here and there where needed most and hit it with a hot dry iron. Both methods have worked for me. Cover with a piece of baker's parchment paper to be sure none of the fusible gets on your iron. Hope this helps

FoulkeArt said...

have been having the same problem with fusible. I don't know if I kept the iron on it too long or what. I have never had that problem before. So I've been using fabric glue to put pieces back on.