Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You Know You Are A Quilter When...

* You're broke.

* You need a bigger house.

* You bring your fabric home in a brown paper bag.

* You buy every gadget known to quilting, not because you need them but because you don't have it yet.

* You own more pairs of scissors than you could possibly count and keep padlocks on them.

* You know that jelly rolls and layer cakes are not just food items.

* You can tell who manufactured the fabric w/o looking at the top of the bolt.

* You have enough quilt kits to leave to your kids when you die for 3 generations.

* You know the weights of thread and how they unwind on the spool.

* You have more needles than your doctor's office.

* You dream in fabric and thread colors.

* You have an internal GPS for quilt store locations.

* Your kids can cook and clean for themselves.

* You have quilting applications on your Ipod.

* You have every quilting book that you can get your hands on.

* You keep your LQS from going bankrupt.


* The total cost of all your machines is more than your car.


Trish said...

This was a great list. Thanks for the smile

Edna said...

Wow... I guess I must be a quilter!! Glad I am not the only one around with the affliction!

Rhonda said...

So, you've found us out....LOL

Cindy said...

Then that makes me a quilter.....

Unknown said...

Love it and the scary thing is that it is so true!